As we prepare for Thanksgiving here in Alaska, we continue to study Ancient Egypt while putting the finishing touches on our flagship escape room, THE TOMB. This made us wonder: "What sort of feasts did the Egyptians have way back then?" Many tombs include references to crops, the gathering and processing of them, and the feasts those crops ultimately became.
The biggest festival celebrated by anicent Egypt was the Opet Festival, which lasted for twenty-four days. Instead of turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, their celebrations included fish, beans, and eggs.
Bread was a huge part of any feast, but nobility especially enjoyed breads with added fruit, coriander seeds, or other grains. Although they had crude ovens, Egyptians would sometimes bake flat bread by simply placing it on the hot desert sand. Makes today's kitchen utensils seem that much more helpful, doesn't it?
Many thanks to Historical Cooking Project for insight on ancient Egyptian breads, as well as this photo.
They also had some not-ice-cold Egyptian beer with all that food. Yeast strains in the Nile are still used today to make both bread and beer. So, if you're wanting to add an Egyptian flair to your Thanksgiving, be sure to crack open a cold one with the boys!
Can you imagine twenty-four days of eating like we do on Thanksgiving!?
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