Good news, everyone! The group Planet Express showed up to play our Theme-Park-Quality Escape Rooms® THE TOMB and NOIR, one right after the other.

And they killed.

Using no hints and completing both rooms about 20 minutes faster than average, we decided these guys must know something about escape rooms. After their second victory of the evening, we asked them what tips they would offer to first-time escape room players, and they had some great insights!

Their Number One Escape Room Tip: Communicate. If you find something, tell everyone. If you complete a puzzle, tell everyone.

Their next tip: Get a second opinion. If you find something and you’re not sure what it’s for, or what to do with it (if anything), don’t just set it down and walk away - ask a teammate! “Hey- this looks like something we may need to solve; any ideas?”

Lastly, something Planet Express does well is search. We often see groups struggling with part of an escape room because they do not have everything required for a particular task, and the last piece of the puzzle isn’t even hidden. Be sure you’re thorough in your search while keeping the rules in mind - nothing is up high, and nothing needs to be forced.