ESCAPE! Alaska Theme-Park-Quality Escape Rooms® Difficulty Meter
“Which room is harder?”
We get this question a lot, and it’s not really as easy to answer as you might think. We have teams who have played both, and swear THE TOMB was harder. Others are certain the mysteries in NOIR are the more challenging.
The completion statistics indicate NOIR is a bit tougher than THE TOMB, as the 1930s detective game has a 54% success rate, and the Egyptian tomb adventure hovers around 72%.
Not feeling the straight-up percentage was telling the whole story, we devised the Difficulty Meter, a quick visual representation of how challenging you might find a particular escape room. Obviously, the closer to the green the needle is, the easier the game. The closer the needle gets to the red, the more difficult. You can see that neither of our games is even on the red half of the meter.
How difficult a room is for your team will be determined by many variables, from types of puzzles, the composition of your team, and your group’s overall experience with escape rooms.
To find out how you can be in the winning percentage, read HOW TO BE A GREAT ESCAPE ROOM PLAYER.